Waiuku Health Centre

For medical care when WHC is closed you may access same day phone or video consultations with our partners at Ka Ora Telecare by calling 0800 2 KA ORA. Click here to find out more.

Monday - Friday
8:30 - 17:00
9:00 - 13:00
Sunday, Christmas Day & New Year's Day
Public Holidays
9:00 - 13:00
Working to Reduce Barriers to Health Care for a Healthy 2024 for Everyone

Latest News

New Patient Management System and Portal

Between 4 and 15 November 2024, we will be implementing a new Practice Management System (PMS).  We are excited that…

Getting Help for Winter Illness

Busy times ... we know you may be experiencing phone queues and long waits for call backs at the moment,…

Fee Changes from 1 Jul 24

In the 2 years since we last raised our fees for medical appointments costs have risen significantly and after careful…


About Us

Kia Ora,

Serving an enrolled population of over 14000, we have 15 GPs working full and part-time, 19 practice nurses (including five Community Nurse Prescribers), five health care assistants, one health improvement practitioner, a health coach, 14 admin/receptionists, and a practice management team.

Although not an urgent care facility we offer an on the day service for the acutely unwell, including a dedicated drive-through clinic for those with symptoms of infectious disease.  In addition, we offer free consults for those with high needs through a weekly GP Hauora Clinic and a Nurse Led offsite Outreach Clinic.

We aim to provide the highest quality health care for all, in an open and welcoming atmosphere where practice members work as a team and staff and patients feel valued and culturally safe.

We recognize that avoidable unfair and unjust differences in health outcomes are experienced by individuals due to attitudes towards perceived personal characteristics including but not limited to: age, colour, disability, education, employment status, ethical belief, ethnic or national origins, family status, gender identity, language, marital status, mental health or addiction status, past-offending, political opinion, race, religious or spiritual belief, sexual orientation and socio-economic circumstance.

We commit to achieving equitable outcomes for those affected by such attitudes and:

  • recognise the status of Māori as tangata whenua of Aotearoa New Zealand and our obligations and responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi)
  • challenge ourselves to identify and overcome implicit bias.


Contact reception to arrange a consultation and let us know if you require any special assistance.  You may for instance have difficulty getting to or paying for your appointment or need the services of a translator or chaperone during your appointment.  We are solutions focused and happy to help.


Frequently Asked Questions

Please discuss with your doctor as you may be eligible for a reduced fee.
Minor surgery fee covers two follow up nurse appointments. Infection is a risk of all procedures but is not included in the procedure fee, so there is a consultation fee involved.
Yes, all patients booked in after 5:30pm during the week, on weekends and public holidays are charged an extra $15 on their consultation fee.
We never want affordability to prevent you getting the care you need. If this is an issue for you, please let us know and we will work something out. One option is to set up an automatic payment for you to spread the cost, admin staff can help with this. We may also be able to help with fuel costs and can put you in touch with patient transport services. Remember, many screening and immunisation services are free, community service card holders have reduced fees, and you may be eligible for a High User Health Card … talk to us.
We value feedback, both positive and negative to enable us to continually improve our service. If there is an issue feel free to speak to the Practice Manager or Assistant Practice Manager. If they are not available, please ask the receptionist to get them to call you or otherwise ask reception for the feedback form.
The term "vocational registration" indicates that this doctor has done some additional years of further study and has passed comprehensive examinations set by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners. In addition to these examinations she/he has committed to an ongoing programme of study to keep up to date with the advances in general practice. His/her participation in this study programme is audited. Passing the examinations and the commitment to the study programme confers on this doctor the status of "specialist" in general practice, and is your assurance that this doctor is practicing to a high standard. Doctors who are not vocationally registered can currently work in general practice as long as they are under the supervision of a vocationally registered general practitioner. The Medical Council of New Zealand would like all doctors who work in general practice to attain vocational registration and many doctors who are not vocationally registered are currently working towards achieving this qualification.
Many of our doctors speak another language. We have staff who speak Spanish, Afrikaans, German, Dutch, Cambodian, Nepalese, Mandarin and Hindi. We also have access to a translator service through Middlemore Hospital. If you require these services, please talk to us about it when you are booking your appointment.

How can we help you?

Waiuku Medical Centre helping the community.
