An apple a day keeps the doctor away


30/26-30 Constable Road, Waiuku

Fee Changes from 1 Jul 24

In the 2 years since we last raised our fees for medical appointments costs have risen significantly and after careful review, new fees will apply from 1 Jul 24.

Car Clinic and Indoor Triage   We are not an Accident and Medical Facility but see many urgent presentations a day.  This requires additional space, telephone triage and nurse assessment and treatment, in addition to the medical consultation, so is more costly than a standard GP appointment.  Therefore, from 1 Jul 24 our fees for urgent non-ACC appointments via our Car Clinic and Triage services will be:

Given these increases, we will reduce our Saturday and Public Holiday surcharge from $15.00 to $5.00.

Standard GP Consult Fees will be increased by a lesser amount as follows: 

We aim to keep fees to a minimum while offering fair pay to staff and ensuring our services are sustainable.

Our fees for most registered patients are lower than with other providers locally including urgent care.

If you have difficulty paying for your appointment, please let us know. One option is to set up a small regular automatic payment to spread the cost.