Getting Help for Winter Illness 2025
Busy times … as we head into cooler months, demand for appointments rises. We are working hard to meet your needs, but we have some staff shortages and waiting times may be affected pending recruitment. We will have the support of some GP Locums who will be helping out in practice and with telephone consultations.
Before calling it may be useful to check out the Healthify He Puna Website for advice on managing common winter infections and other health conditions. Find out how to take care of yourself and whānau at home, what to watch out for and when to seek medical advice. Go to
We know you want support from your local health care team unfortunately, from time to time and especially early in the week, the limited number of appointments in our Triage Service Clinics get fully booked. (Remember we are not an urgent care facility, and these clinics are for enrolled patients.) We may still be able to offer advice by phone, but this too becomes very busy and there are a range of other options for urgent advice and consultation:
- Urgent Care Franklin, 12 Glasgow Rd, Pukekohe, Open daily 8am to 8pm, for all urgent care needs – 09 2386610
- KAORA Telecare, Available 5pm – 8am weekdays and 24 hours weekends and holidays for telephone and video consults (Children FREE, CSC rates offered)
- Healthline FREE Any Day or Time 0800 611 116
Remember in a Medical Emergency don’t hesitate to dial 111.
If you need a routine appointment, please try and book well in advance; we recommend looking 2-3 weeks ahead. Don’t forget to get your flu vaccination, available from 1 Apr 25: e-mail to book.
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