An apple a day keeps the doctor away


30/26-30 Constable Road, Waiuku

At some stage in our lives most of us will face times that are extra stressful or that can shake us to the core. Feeling down in these situations is pretty normal and these feelings can fade over time and you get on with life. Sometimes these feelings of unhappiness are intense and they don’t go away even when things improve.

It is not easy facing up to the thought that you might be depressed. It is important to understand how serious it might be so you can find a way to deal with it.

Talking to your doctor can help. They will help guide you toward the best way of helping you overcome these feelings.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE – One in three people visiting a GP will have psychological difficulties, one in six New Zealanders will experience serious depression at some time in their lives.

Don’t try to deal with depression on your own. It is important that you tell someone you trust how you are feeling. This could be someone in your family, whanau, your partner or a friend.

We are fortunate to have a large number of websites which offer help and support advice

Mental Health NZ
The Low Down 
Youthline – Freephone: 0800376633
Lifeline – Freephone: 0800543354

Or: Call the Depression helpline on 0800111757