An apple a day keeps the doctor away


30/26-30 Constable Road, Waiuku

With the Health Improvement Programme at Waiuku Health Centre you can team up with a Registered Nurse, Health Improvement Practitioner or Health Coach to identify and achieve your health goals.

Through extended consultations, we can work to understand ‘what matters to you’ and can support you to develop a goal-based action plan, acting as a care-coordinator.

Through the programme people have achieve goals such as: weight loss; stopping smoking; diabetes control; management of breathing conditions; improved mobility; and better coping at home.  We are focused on helping everyone live as healthy and independent a life as possible across all age groups.

If you have a health goal, please contact us to discuss how we can help, or ask your doctor or nurse to refer you at your next appointment!

  • Diabetes Clinic
  • Weight Loss Clinic
  • Long Term Conditions
  • Enuresis Clinic (Children's Bed Wetting)
  • Dementia Clinic
  • Mobility